Wednesday, January 10, 2018


I've been reading staggering statistics about clergy burnout. Statistics revealing how depression, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes are incredibly high among ministers. Did you know the life expectancy of a minister is much lower than the average person? 1,500 preachers leave the ministry every month. Why? I know what some will say, "They're hirelings. They don't pray. They don't love God. Etc." I'm sure that's true way too often, but that's not always the case. And those that readily say such things usually aren't pastors.

We are living in a different world than the men of old. Did you ever consider the fact that John Wesley, Charles Spurgeon, Charles Finney, Jonathan Edwards, General Booth, A. B. Simpson, etc, didn't have access to phones, planes, cars, internet, Facebook, email or text messaging? If the congregation got a hold of them it was on Sunday or via horse and buggy. And if your preacher was a circuit rider ... you DIDN'T get a hold of him.
They didn't have to compete with cell phones, ipads, ipods, television, radio, internet or Hollywood. People weren't gospel hardened and entertained to death. People didn't expect the preacher to cater to their every whim because they knew they COULDN'T cater to their every whim. Now, compare that with the hundred phone calls, text messages, emails, and literally thousands of Facebook messages I receive per week! I'm not unique, any pastor worth their salt has a similar story. Today's pastor is on call 24/7! The expectation level is insane. People want them to be at all places at all times having the answers to every dilemma. The minister (and whole family) never fully meet the requirements demanded of them because they haven't yet figured out how to be God! John Wesley attributed his long life to taking naps as often as he needed. If today's minister takes a nap someone rings the door bell and accuses them of being lazy and sleeping all day. (Been there and done that!)

But concerning the men and women of old ... they had revival and we (for the most part) do not. They spent most of their time praying, reading, and preaching. Their greatest stress came from wrestling with God, not men. 
They understood that the church belonged to God, not them. They understood that counseling can never take the place of the unadulterated preached Word. They understood that the hard-hearted and stubborn laity sitting in the pews were lost and in need of conversion and not to be reckoned as church bosses.

The answer? You need to remember that you're a Christian before you're a pastor! Let's spend more time in prayer and the Word, talking to God about men; and less time on Facebook, answering text messages and counseling people to do what we've told them a hundred times from the pulpit.

If you're tired, sleep. If you're on the verge of burning out, shut your phone off, take a few days off, spend time with God and your family. Learn how to say "NO"! If you're overweight and your health is breaking down ... man up! Get some discipline. Eat right and exercise! It'll pay off in the long run.

Don't let your wife suffer because you're ministering to another man's wife and don't have time for her. Don't lose your kids trying to save other people's kids. If you burn out you will wreck yourself and then be irrelevant anyway. You have no business overseeing spiritual business if you can't overseer your own personal business! (1Ti 3:5)

Don't allow anyone to push you beyond your capacity. And ... remember it all belongs to God. He's the husbandman. Let the divine stay up all night. Let the omnipresent be every where at all times. Let Him be responsible for HIS church. You? Just do what you can. You ask what the people will think? The true Christians will understand and be merciful. The hypocrites? Who cares? 

Let go and let God!
Peace, love, hope!



 Yesterday, I read the eighth chapter of Judges during my daily devotions. I was inspired with how strong of a leader Gideon was. I want to quickly share the major points that stuck out to me.

Gideon and his men were weary from pursuing their enemies, yet the Scripture states they continued their pursuit. He would not give up just because leading wasn’t convenient.

Leading can be a grind; it can snatch the life right out of you. We often find ourselves weary, but we cannot stop pursuing. This doesn’t mean there aren’t times we need a vacation, but strong leaders keep pursuing long after they feel fatigued. They don’t quit when the going gets tough. Great leaders keep leading.


Gideon wasn’t afraid of or ignore opposition. He dealt with internal (his son) and external (his enemies) problems quickly and decisively.

If I’ve learned anything over the past 20 years it’s that most problems don’t go away just because you ignore them. Sidestepping contentions only allows them to pile up, creating a synergistic effect that makes conflict resolution exponentially more difficult. Deal with stuff right, but deal with it immediately. Great leaders deal with opposition decisively.


Gideon was invested in his family. He took time to teach his sons. He took the treatment of his family seriously. Great pastoral leaders are invested in their families.

I don’t want to sound cold or accusatory, but most people are fickle. Church members will cut you off in a second. You can be the big kahuna today and the scum of the earth tomorrow. You’ll spend weeks, months, even years, pouring into some people who tell you they love you, only to find them walking out, turning on you, and that without warning. Invest in your spouse and children. They love you unconditionally and will be there long after the people have left. Not to mention your family is your first ministerial priority anyways. The Bible teaches us if we can’t lead our own houses we have no business leading others (1Ti 3:5). 


Gideon delegated and trained those that fought with him. He gave his fellow laborers an opportunity to win. He gave them the opportunity to participate in their victories.

Delegation is one of the hardest things to do, but it must be done. And ... it must be done right. Trust me, I’ve learned this the hard way. I’ve spent much time asking people to do things that they did not know how to do. When people don’t have the necessary knowledge to fulfill the task you’ve asked them to do, they become frustrated and quit. After several experiences of delegating jobs to people, only to watch them quit or do them half-heartedly, the knee-jerk reaction is to just do it yourself. This invariably leads to burnout. Do yourself a favor and train the people you’re delegating responsibilities to. It may take weeks, even months, but it will be worth your time. You will be able to cover far more ground with TEAMS working together as opposed to you working alone. And don’t forget to allow everyone to share in the victories and successes. No man is an island. You didn’t get where you are by yourself, unless of course you’ve swam out to an island.


Gideon was successful. He led his men to many great victories. God’s favor was with him mightily, therefore, the people responded by asking him to rule over them; to be their king. Gideon said, “No. God will lead us.” Gideon was humble. Gideon knew who had truly given them the victory. Gideon was a man of God. This point is what prompted me to write this article. My heart was filled with the utmost admiration for Gideon. He didn’t even hesitate to point his men toward God. 

There are far too many dictatorial pastors in our churches. They pastor “their” church; “their” people; and operate “their” ministries. They want glory. Everything they do must be seen of men or they feel like they’re a failure. Listen, we work for God. We use His provisions. We breathe His air. His life keeps our heart pumping blood through our veins. Give God the glory for everything. Stop trying to lord over God’s heritage (1Pe 5:3). I see this over and over with pastors who think everyone has to come to "their" church. Real pastoral leadership isn’t about building your own kingdom, it’s about building the kingdom of God. If your labors cause someone to yield to Christ, yet that person attends another church, so what!? God rules. The Church is His and it's much larger than our littler congregations.

Gideon messed up big time! Even after all of the great things he did-even after pointing to people to God-he caused them to err in their faith. He asked them to give him their golden earrings which ended up yielding about 71 pounds worth. By today’s prices, that’s approximately $1.2 million dollars worth. He took the 71 pounds of gold and made it into an ephod (a sleeveless garment worn by Jewish priests) and a breastplate. You talk about bling bling–a 71 pound golden garment! The ephod was so amazing the people of God started worshiping it. Wow!

Don’t get me wrong, Gideon didn’t mean for this to happen. He would have never made it had he known what they would do, but he didn’t discern the heart of the people and made a terrible judgment call.

You and me are going to have lapses in judgment resulting in mistakes. You might as well get ready, it’s just part of leadership. But be humble. You have to learn to repent, apologize, and then move on! Do better the next time. Don’t allow your failures to paralyze you.


God’s favor on Gideon was a blessing to the Israelites. Despite Gideon’s lack of discernment and Israel’s idolatry, God honored Gideon’s faith and humility. He gave Israel 40 years of peace.

Stay holy. Stay humble. You may stumble here and there, but God isn’t fickle. He knows your intents and motives. If you’ll stay faithful to God and His kingdom, the blessings of the Lord will overtake you and those blessings will overflow, saturating everyone around you.

I hope these 8 lessons help you!

God bless,
Pastor Lamb


Have you ever missed your turn and had your GPS unit inform you that it's recalculating? Me, too, both while driving and in life!

For the most part, technology is awesome! Where would we be without it? On the other hand, I have lost a few things because of it. Do any of you know more than five phone numbers by heart? Nope? Me either. I have three phone numbers memorized: mine, my wife's, and the church's. I used to know a hundred, but it isn't necessary for me to memorize numbers any more because I have them all logged into my smart phone under the person's name.

I also have no idea how to get any where outside of Madison County. PRAISE GOD FOR GOOGLE MAPS! I follow my GPS. I don't pay any attention to landmarks or road signs. I follow the GPS! Without it, I'm pretty much lost regardless of where I am. That's terrible ... I know.

One of the beautiful things about a GPS unit (or google maps) is it won't allow you to go 127 miles past your destination. Have you ever got caught up listening to music, talking on the phone, or simply zoned out and drove 20 miles past your turn? Yep, me too! I love (and sometimes hate) the fact that when I overshoot an exit, the GPS unit is extremely stubborn. "Recalculating! Take the next left. Take the next left. Make a u-turn in 200 feet. Recalculating. Take the next left."

I know everyone of us have missed a turn here and there. We set out to achieve certain things, to accomplish certain goals, but we zoned out and overshot our exit. We feel as if we're useless or have lost so much time that we can't get caught up; we can't make it there on time. Although we've missed many turns, God is merciful! He'll RECALCULATE our route.

Many of you feel as if you've dropped the ball with your spouses and children ... maybe you have, but God's not finished with you! Perhaps you've wasted money and time on drugs and alcohol, hurt your family and friends. You've overshot your turn by 100 miles. If you can stop for just a second, you will hear the voice of God saying, "I'm recalculating the best route for you to get to where I intended you to go. RECALCULATING!"

Brothers and sisters, God is recalculating our journey! You may not have been obedient in the past. You may not have paid attention in the past. You may have even intentionally took wrongs turns, going in the opposite direction that God wanted you to, but His mercy endures forever!

The Apostle Paul said:

Php 3:13 Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,
 14 I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Only in Christ can we truly start over. Only through Jesus' mercy can we still make our way toward the mark that God has set for us. If you will choose obedience RIGHT NOW, you can forget the many wrong turns of the past. It may take you a little while to get there, but you can know that every turn you make, every mile you travel, is taking you to the will of God!

Be encouraged! God is RECALCULATING your journey!

Peace, Love, Hope,
David Lamb


I laid down last night with perfect peace of mind. The overwhelming feeling that this country has reached a condition that is amazingly ripe for REVIVAL has overtaken me more so than ever before. The darker the night the brighter the light will shine. AMERICA is the greatest country in the world, but she is wicked. Sin dances in the streets and the "saints" hide in the corner of the church. 

Homosexuals put on massive parades and celebrate their "pride" in every major city in the country. 200,000 "women" marched through the streets of Washington, D.C. telling every one how nasty (and stupid) they are. Where's a Margaret Thatcher when you need her? She once wisely said, "Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't." Can I get an "Amen"? While the heathen flaunt their debauchery, daring anyone to say anything lest they be a racist, the "saints" hide in the corner of the church ashamed to speak the name of Christ. 

The Church doesn't seek revival, she doesn't have to ... President Donald Trump is going to save us! An honest-hearted brother recently told me that because Donald Trump is now our President we won't have to lock the doors of our houses anymore! A Trump Presidency will cause the entire country to quit lying and stealing! Donald Trump will no more save this country than Barak Obama destroyed it! NO! Sin is destroying this country! Prayer-less, burden-less, worldly minded "Christians" are destroying this country! Men who would rather talk about the darkness and never build fires are destroying this country! Silence is destroying this country! A church that is more interested in being entertained than changing the world is destroying this country! A praying, powerful, heavenly minded Church is the only hope this country has! I want REVIVAL! WE CAN HAVE REVIVAL, BUT IT WON'T COME WITHOUT US PAYING THE PRICE! 

In 2Ch 7:14, God said, "If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land."