Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Weary Heart

The Weary Heart

2Th 3:13 But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing.--My heart has been grieved and heavily burdened over something I am noticing amongst God's people: a perpetual weariness. There's a dark cloud that looms over their heads. They are tired. You can see the frustration on their faces. They are merely surviving from day to day. Mothers who feel like pulling their hair out; who weep through the night; trying to make the best of a not so good marriage; trying to raise children with the ever present feeling they are doing something wrong; who try to catch up, but seemingly are not able to. Fathers who are dying inside; trying to make the best of a not so good marriage; trying to raise children with the ever present feeling they are doing something wrong; trying to make a living in a terrible economy; screaming out for some respect in the house he provides. Young people who are trying to figure out why they can never "do anything right"; trying to cope with peer pressure in a public school setting; trying to figure out if they are a man or a boy, a woman or a girl. It saddens me.

--It is not God's will for us to be so weary. Tired? Sure. We all get worn down by life, but I'm talking about something else. You will recognize it because depression is somewhere on its heels. A certain heaviness of heart and looming feeling that you're never going to get back up. If you are there, please listen to me.--You are weary because you are doing this in your own strength. You are trying to be a father, mother, husband, wife, employee, church member, etc. in your own power. You must stop because you don't have the resources within yourself. Power belongs to God. Listen to what Jesus said:Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.I want you to notice that Jesus is "the life". He also said, in St. John 10:10, that He had come to give us life more abundant.

--The bottom line? You need to pray through. You need to find your place in Jesus. His name is a strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe. He is your life. He is your strength; He is your love; He is your joy; He is your peace; He is your smile; He is the skip in your step; but something is restricting the flow of His life giving sap (the Holy Ghost) into your heart and life. He is the vine, you are the branches. Everything that is in Him can flow into you, but for whatever reason it is not. You aren't taking the time to pray through. Praying through? Now, that's a phrase not heard much anymore. What does it mean? It means to pray until you know that you know that you know! It means to pray until you touch Him. It means to pray until you are changed by God's grace and power.

--Listen to this:Lu 9:28 And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, he took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray. 29 And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.Prayer altered Christ's countenance; it will alter yours too! Prayer doesn't just change "things", it changes YOU! You need altered. You need to be changed. You need your perspective to be altered. You need to get sick and tired of being sick and tired. You need to get desperate. What would be better? Spend the next 10 years hoping that things will change, or find you a prayer closet, shutting the door behind you with the mind set that you are not coming out until God alters you, until He heals your weary heart; and then leaving that prayer closet a different man or woman? It might by difficult, but it would be well worth it.

--Jacob had left his uncle Laban's house. He was on the run from his brother Esau, but more than that, he was coming face to face with who he really was. He caught wind that Esau was coming after him. Esau was going to kill him. Jacob sent his family across the brook Jabbok and then began seeking the face of God. The angel of the Lord came to him and wrestled with him all night. The angel asked Jacob to let him go, but Jacob would not; he wanted changed. He said, "I will not let you go until you bless me." In other words, "I will not let you go until you alter my life and who I have become." Jacob was a weary man. Running from God, and from who God wants you to be, is a frustrating predicament. God did it for Jacob. He touched his flesh and you need God to touch your flesh (the self-life, the Jacob within). God changed him from Jacob to Israel, the Prince; a man who had power with God and men! Prayer altered Jacob and it will alter you too. But it must be real prayer. The kind that latches hold on God and won't let go until . . . Dear readers, Esau would have killed Jacob, but he let Israel live.

--The flesh cannot lift flesh. Flesh cannot heal flesh. You must draw nigh to God. You need His strength. You need His life. He alone can heal your weariness! You must be like the hart that panted after the water brook (Ps 42:1). The passage seems to imply more than a brisk run; a casual trek through the woods. This deer was being hunted; perhaps even struck through with a dart. Is that how you feel? Hunted? Struck through with a dart? Run for the water brook! Run for God and don't quit until you find Him! The cool waters of His healing love with lift you. It's what you've been needing all along. The answer belongs in God. Don't take it for granted that the storm you're in will move God, it doesn't. He'll sleep through your storms, but He will rise up when you cry out to Him, "Save me, I perish!" The storm has no chance against a praying saint!May God bless and help you! Be not weary in well doing because you will reap if you don't faint!

--Be strong in the Lord, in the power of His might.David Lamb

Islam - A Religion That Kills

Islam - A Religion That Kills

Ex 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

Islam is the second largest religion in the world having over 1.6 billion professors. It is also the fastest growing religion in America. Islam originated from the teachings of a “so-called” holy man and political leader named Muhammad. The followers of Islam, often called Muslims, consider Muhammad God’s last and greatest prophet. They teach that Muhammad was Jesus Christ’s successor, and that he was actually greater than Jesus.

Like Christianity, they too have a holy book (which isn’t holy at all) called the Koran. The Koran is more or less the words and deeds of Muhammad. Muhammad would go into a demonic trance and start speaking what the demons were telling him and his scribes or whoever were around would write them down. The demon told Muhammad that he was Gabriel.

Muslims teach that the Jews and Christians distorted the true faith and it was restored by Muhammad. They teach that outside of Islam there is no salvation. We teach that outside of Christ there is no salvation.

For those of you that think the Christian and the Muslim worship the same God, you are wrong. Did you know that Muslims teach that Jesus Christ was not crucified? That it was someone else that died on the cross? Guess what? If there was no crucifixion, there wasn’t a resurrection - therefore none of us are saved! Did you know that the Koran teaches that Allah didn’t have a son? That’s good, because he didn’t! You have to actually exist to do things like that.

History proves that before Islam came into existence the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon god who married the sun goddess, who gave birth to three goddesses. They were called Al-lat, Al-uzza, and Manat. They later became idols. The moon god was the Muslims cherished Allah. He was just one of the 360 idols in the Kabah in Mecca. You had better believe that Muhammed knew all about this. All you have to do is open your eyes, the crescent moon is everywhere in Islam. Even Ramadan begins and ends with the crescent moon.

Muhammad wanted to create his own religion. He needed the backing of his powerful tribe, so he picked Allah, the moon god which they worshipped, to be the one god. And he declared himself to be Allah’s prophet.

In the 1950's a major temple to the moon god was excavated at Hazor in Palestine. Two idols of the moon god were found, proving Allah was a pre-Islamic pagan deity. A photo of Allah can be seen sitting on a throne with a crescent moon on his chest. Allah is not the God of the Bible, he is nothing more than the pagan moon god of the Arabians.

I am not saying that every professing Muslim is a terrorist or potential Jihadist, but I will say that if all Muslims were to truly follow the teachings of Islam they would be.

Fortunately, it is my observation that there are as many hypocrites in Islam as there is in Christianity, and possibly more. Most of America’s and Europe’s wannabe Muslims have no idea what they believe. They have no idea who Muhammad really was, or what actually lies within the Koran. They like the sound of the words Assalamu Alaikum which is a familiar greeting between Muslims. It means - peace be upon you, but of course that’s only if you’re a Muslim. Many rebellious college students like the idea of warring against America and calling her The Great Satan. I personally don’t have a problem with anyone calling us the Great Satan just as long as they’ll move to Iran and do it. If you don’t like it here - get out!

There are 5 duties required of every true practicing Muslim - they are called the five pillars of Islam. The vast majority of “professing” Muslims have no idea what they are and I’m not just talking about American wannabe’s; I’m talking about Middle Eastern wannabe’s. Most of the so-called Muslims I meet on the campuses or out on the street have a very limited knowledge of what Islam is all about. For a huge number of Muslims, their religion is nothing more than a style or fad; a way to be in with the “in” crowd.

I believe everyone has the right to worship whoever and whatever they want. I believe every man has the right to go to hell if they so desire, so I’m not arguing their right to worship whatever god they choose.

The main thrust of this lesson is to show you that the god of Islam is not the God of Christianity. Allah, the God of Islam, is in fact the Arabian moon god who married the sun goddess – the stars are supposedly their offspring. Allah and the God of the Christian Bible (Jehovah) are not the same God. Allah is the moon god, Jehovah made the moon, the sun, and the stars. If Christianity is true, all of those that practice Islam will be eternally separated from God. They will be cast into an eternal lake of fire.

There is a lot that can be said about Muhammad and his wicked religion, but I only want to point out a few that most people simply don’t know.

1.) Did you know that 51 year old Muhammad married a 6 year old child named Aisha and had sex with her when she was 9? A 54 year old man having sex with a 9 year old girl! That shakes me to the core; I have a 5 year old and an 8 year old child. Muhammad wasn’t a holy man, he was a sick, perverted pedophile. A lot of Muslims will say, “It isn’t pedophilia if it is accepted in that custom.” So cannibalism isn’t murder if it’s accepted culturally? Are they saying that raping little boys and girls isn’t child molestation if it’s the accepted practice? I don’t care how you look at it, Muhammad was a sick twisted pedophile.

This is well documented in Muslim Hadiths. Hadiths are oral traditions relating to the words and deeds of Muhammad. Hadith collections are regarded as important tools for determining the Sunnah, or Muslim way of life. For those who think I’m making this up, I’ll list a couple different places Hadiths expose Muhammed as a pedophile:

A. Sahih Buhari 5.236.

Narrated Hisham’s father:

Khadija died three years before the Prophet departed to Medina. He stayed there for two years or so and then he married 'Aisha when she was a girl of six years of age, and he consummated that marriage when she was nine years old.

B. Sunan Abu-Dawud Book 41, Number 4915 Through 4917.

A Hadith Narrated by Aisha herself:

The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) married me when I was seven or six. When we came to Medina, some women came. according to Bishr's version: Umm Ruman came to me when I was swinging. They took me, made me prepared and decorated me. I was then brought to the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him), and he took up cohabitation with me when I was nine. She halted me at the door, and I burst into laughter.

For the sake of time, I only listed 2 examples, there are several more places that reveal this occurrence. Please, remember that I am reading from Muslim hadiths and not from a Christian publication.

Do you think a man who has sex with 9 year old babies is a holy prophet, a messenger of God? I hope not, cause that doesn’t say much about you if you do. I like to encourage every Muslim to give your life to Jesus Christ, He is the true Savior. You can trust your babies with Him; He will never rape or molest them. Most of all, you can trust Him with your soul.

2.) Islam Is Not a Peaceful Religion.

Ever since 9/11, Muslim leaders who have access to the national media have told us that Islam is a religion of peace and love and that violence does not represent the essence of Muhammad’s religion.

Even President Bush has repeated this assertion, saying that Islam has been "hijacked" by a few violent fanatics. But is this true? I think the facts say, “No”! We don’t have to travel far to find these facts, merely examine Muhammad and the Koran.

A. Muhammad Was a Violent Man.

According to Tabari (AD 839-923), an early Muslim historian who is considered largely reliable by scholars today, said Muhammad’s nickname was “The Obliterator”. I wonder why? Could it be because he named the weapons that he slew countless people with? Could it be because he had over 600 people brutally decapitated?

Let us look at a passage concerning Jesus:

Isa 53:7 He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth.

Muhammad was violent, Christ was loving, kind, and peaceful.

B. The Koran Permits Husbands to Beat Their Wives.

Q4:34 Husbands should take full care of their wives, with [the bounties] God has given to some more than others and with what they spend out of their own money. Righteous wives are devout and guard what God would have them guard in the husbands’ absence. If you fear high-handedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them. If they obey you, you have no right to act against them. God is most high and great. (Haleem)

I’m sure this passage is pleasing to all wife beaters. What does the Bible say about husbands and wives?

Eph 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

I’d say there’s a little contrast, wouldn’t you?

Muslim Book 4, Hadith Number 2127 states that Muhammad practiced what he preached:

"He [Muhammad] struck me [Aisha] on the chest which caused me pain."

C. Muhammad and the Koran Promise a Garden Full of Virgins For Any Who Die Fighting For Allah or Muhammad.

Throughout the Quran, Muhammad promises the men in his fledgling Muslim community that if they die fighting for Allah and for him, Allah will reward them with a "virgin-rich" Garden (Koran 44:51-56; 52:17-29; 55:46-78). Today, the commonly accepted number of virgins is 72.

In the following Quranic passage, which can be cross referenced with several others (Suras 4:74, 9:111; 3:140-143), the Arabic word "jihad" means: the means or currency to trade in this life for the life to come in an economic bargain.

Q61:10 You who believe, shall I show you a bargain that will save you from painful punishment? 11 Have faith in God and His Messenger and struggle [j-h-d] for His cause with your possessions and your persons—that is better for you, if only you knew—12 and He will forgive your sins, admit you into Gardens graced with flowing streams, into pleasant dwellings in the Gardens of Eternity. That is the supreme triumph. (Haleem)

These verses are found in the historical context of the Battle of Uhud (625), in which Muhammad lost 70 of his fighters. Because of that, he had to make the loss of their lives appear worth the sacrifice, so he contrived a holy bargain for those that died fighting for him. If his jihadists trade in or sell their lives down here, they will be granted Islamic heaven—it is a done deal. That’s what the Koran states.

Allah grants Muslims 72 virgins to all Jihadists. Heaven is more or less one gigantic orgy for these martyred heroes. Let’s look at what Christ said:

Mt 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

D. Muslims Are Commanded to Kill All Infidels.

If our friendly, brotherly Muslims actually practice what their holy book teaches, all of us American and Jewish infidels are in danger of being killed.

Q9.29: Fight those who do not believe in Allah, nor in the latter day, nor prohibit what Allah and His Apostle have prohibited, nor follow the religion of truth, out of those who have been given the Book (Bible), until they pay the tax in acknowledgment of superiority and they are in a state of subjection.

Here, the Koran teaches Muslims to fight against those that don’t believe as they do. Have you ever wondered why these terrorists seem to love cutting the heads off of people? Let us read from the Koran again:

Q8.12: When your Lord revealed to the angels: I am with you, therefore make firm those who believe. I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them.

3.) Their Attitude Toward Christians.

Q9.30: And the Jews say: Ezra is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah. These are the words of their mouths. They imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before. May Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Is there any question of what the Koran teaches concerning Christ and Christianity? The Koran says that Christians are just spouting words from their mouths when they say Christ is the Messiah. It teaches that Allah will destroy all who believe such blasphemous teachings.

A. Muhammad Denies Christ’s Crucifixion.

Q4.157: And their saying: Surely we have killed the Messiah, Isa son of Marium, the apostle of Allah; and they did not kill him nor did they crucify him, but it appeared to them so and most surely those who differ therein are only in a doubt about it; they have no knowledge respecting it, but only follow a conjecture, and they surely killed him not, for sure.

The Koran rejects the historic record that Jesus was crucified. So, as you can see, there can be no compromise between Christianity and Islam.

The Koran says this about us infidels:

Slay them wherever ye find them and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution is worse than slaughter. - Q2:191

So, as you can plainly see, Islam is a very peaceful religion as long as you are Islamic.

Have you ever wondered if the phrase Muslim-American an oxymoron? Have ever wondered, “Can a Muslim truly be a patriotic American, or even a heaven bound saint? This question was proposed to a man who lived and worked in Saudi Arabia for 20 years. Here is his reply:

Theologically, no. because his allegiance is to Allah, the moon god of Arabia.

Religiously, no. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam. (Q:256)

Scripturally, no. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Quran (Koran).

Geographically, no. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially, no. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.

Politically, no. Because he must submit to the mullah (their spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America, the great Satan.

Domestically, no. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Koran 4:34).

Intellectually, no. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically, no. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually, no. Because when we declare “one nation under God,” the Christian’s God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as heavenly father; nor is he ever called “love” in the Quran’s 99 excellent names.

Therefore after much study and deliberation, perhaps we should be very suspicious of all Muslims in this country. They obviously cannot be both “good” Muslims and good Americans. Call it what you wish, it’s still the truth!

Again, I’m not saying that every “so-called” Muslim is a terrorist, but I am saying that if a Muslim actually practices what his god and holy book tell him to, he will be a terrorist.

Jesus Christ is a God of love and compassion; the god of Islam, “Allah”, is a god of war and hate. The bottom line is, Islam is Satan, Muhammad is in hell, and every Muslim that dies worshiping Allah and not Jesus Christ will have to follow him. Please, reconsider your beliefs in the Pagan god Allah and come to the true God of love.

David Lamb

Broken Things (Poem)


My life was broken, shattered to pieces.
I lifted my eyes looking for Jesus.

He called out my name and I heard His voice.
He said, “Follow me”; I made the right choice.

I turned from my sins, crucified the flesh.
Went from rebellion to His righteousness.

Now, I’m a new man, I’ve been born again.
My life has been changed by the Son of Man.

My eyes were once blind, but now I can see
His goodness and grace are following me.

Now, the storms still come and the rain still falls,
Demons still hover; the Devil still calls.

But though life is tough, hard to understand
I’m seeking God’s face and not just His Hand.

I stand on the Rock and my heart now sings:
God is merciful; He loves broken things.

David Lamb

From Dusk to Dawn (Poem)

From Dusk to Dawn (Poem)

An appeal to the weary and overwhelmed:

I’m a lonely man and I have always been.
I’ve never fit in, not with fam’ly or friend.
I try to reach out, but I pull back again.
A life of solitude is my story’s end.

Like the mother who weeps when her kids are grown.
Like an island in the sea swimming alone.
Like the howling wolf with the saddest of tone.
A sorrow echoes like none I’ve ever known.

Once bitten twice shy, I hide behind a wall.
With no doors or windows or entrance at all.
An impregnable fortress with towers tall.
Deaf ears that won’t listen when comforters call.

My soul longs for the day that it might be free.
My hands are on the bars but I have no key.
A glimmer of hope I am longing to see.
I reach for the sunlight but it eludes me.

While the sky is painted dark with shades of grey.
While the rain is falling on my head today.
I’m resigned that life will always be this way.
I would like to die, but instead I will pray.

Perhaps the Lord will hear my feeble cries.
The Word says a broken heart He’ll not despise.
Perhaps He’ll wipe away the tears from my eyes.
Perhaps one day from the dust I will arise.

But until then I think I’ll keep pressing on.
Who knows what will happen between dusk and dawn.

David Lamb

What If Jesus Hadn't Come?

What If Jesus Had Not Come

Joh 15:22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

From Adam and Eve’s fall until the crucifixion of Christ, man walked in utter darkness. Their lives were sensual and their imaginations were utterly perverse. With scales of legalism upon their eyes and hearts full of confusion, they groped in the dark of spiritual night looking for a light at the end of their tunnel. No amount of sacrifice and offering would satisfy a perfect and just God. He saw through their wicked hearts and rejected their half-hearted sacrifices. The priests carried the lifeless remains of the halted, maimed, and blemished offerings back out the door of the temple without the smallest trace of fire or smoke upon them.

In spite of the spiritual darkness that had engrossed the people’s hearts, there was still hope. The scripture had promised there would be a deliverer. Holy writ declared a savior would be born, a Messiah that would bring hope, peace and a better kingdom.

Though the people were full of sin, they were excused to some degree. God punished the sins of Israel by afflicting their flesh and disciplining their offspring, but He did not utterly cast them out. The Bible says that God winked at their sin due to their ignorance.

In our text, Christ is dealing with this subject. Christ came to earth to take away the veil that had blinded the people for so long. John said that He was the true light that shined upon every man. Christ came and took away the cloak they were hiding behind. He took away all means of pretense and facade.

Ac 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:

God pulled the veil back and commanded everyone to look into the face of Jesus Christ; seeing the glory of God; knowing that Messiah had come.

Jesus was telling his disciples that they would be persecuted for His name’s sake. He tells them they would be hated by all men. Jesus said that in the days of old they had an excuse for not knowing, but now they were without excuse.

He said to them:

Joh 15:22 If I had not come and spoken unto them, they had not had sin: but now they have no cloke for their sin.

We think of the crucifixion and the miracles being Christ’s means of convincing the Jews, but here Jesus says, “If I had not come and SPOKEN unto them...” He is saying, “You have heard My words. You have listened to My preaching. You should know that I am the Messiah. You are now without an excuse. You must repent.”

This sounds hard and it is to some degree, but there is also great joy in knowing that He came.

Had He not come men would still be in darkness without any hope of light. Had He not come they would not know the feeling of forgiveness. Had Jesus not come man would not know what it means to have fellowship with God. Oh, saints of God! What If Jesus Had Not Come?

If Jesus had not come:

There would not have been an Old Testament. It would be nothing more than a powerless moral code of ethics that are good to live by. Noah and the flood would not have been necessary. The story of the Hebrew boys in the fiery furnace would be without a fourth man and only a legend that no one could prove. The Red Sea parting would be a myth and by no means a type of salvation. Abraham would have had no reason to take Isaac to Moriah.

There would have been no need for the sacrificial lamb. Rahab’s scarlet thread would be meaningless. Naomi could have stayed in the land of Moab. There would have been no brazen serpent to look upon and live. No need for a city of refuge. The golden candlestick, golden altar, nor the laver of brass would be needed. Jacob’s ladder would be a weird dream that no one cared to write down. We would not know who Melchizedek was. The mercy seat would be a piece of furniture. No water from a rock. No sweet water in the waters of Mara. No need for a scapegoat! No need for a tabernacle! No need for a temple! Table and shew bread are worthless! Abel’s offering is wasted! The blood on the door posts would not have saved the Israelites! What if Jesus had not come?

If Jesus had not come the historical books of the Bible would be "history". Had Jesus not come the Psalms would be another book of poems. The book of Proverbs would be placed beside the sayings of Confucius. The Minor prophets would have been worthless because they contained so many false prophecies concerning the Messiah. If Jesus had not come there would have been no major prophets. There would be no book of Isaiah and no Ethiopian Eunuch for Philip to teach the meaning of chapter
53. Jeremiah would not need to cry any tears for Judah. Ezekiel’s wheel and valley of dry bones would have been passed off as hallucinations. There would not have been a book of Daniel. He would have been a snack for some hungry lions.

If Jesus had not come there would be no New Testament. The implications of this are catastrophic. Where would we be without the Sermon on the Mount? What would we do without the Beatitudes? There would be none of the 30 parables uttered from the lips of Christ. Illustration after wonderful illustration would be forever erased and we would remain without a road map.

Without a New Testament we would be lacking the great sea walker, consequently, no “peace be still”! There would be no woman at the well, therefore, no living water! There would be no healing of the woman with the issue of blood! We would not hear Jesus say, “Who touched me?” She would have died on the bed of the physician.

There would be no feeding of the five thousand. There would be no Zacheus in the sycamore tree. There would have been no Lazarus coming forth and no “come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.”

If Christ had not come there would be no burly Apostle Peter. He would have died on the sea fighting a fierce storm. Matthew would have continued collecting taxes. If Christ had not come Mary Magdalene would have continued working in the red light district and eventually died at the hands of a barbarian. There would have been no John the revelator, therefore no revelation on Patmos.

Bartimaeus would have died a blind man! The man at the pool of Bethesda would have died at the pool of Bethesda! The ten lepers would have died from leprosy! Nicodemus would have never heard the words, “You must be born again!” There would be no crucifixion. There would be no thief on the cross. There would be no Barrabas. There would be no centurion. No borrowed tomb. There would be no stone to roll back. There would be no resurrection. No conquering of death and hell. There would be no Thomas with his hand in the Master’s nail scarred hands.

There would be no salvation. There would be no mercy. There would be no hope. There would be no heaven.

What if Jesus had not come? If Jesus had not come there would have been no stoning of Stephen. There would have been no Saul of Tarsus. There would have been no Apostle Paul. There would have been no Pauline epistles. We would have no heroes. We would have nothing!!!!

If Christ had not come John Newton would have remained an atheist, therefore, no Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound.” There would be no Pilgrim’s Progress written from the pen of John Bunyan. There would be no martyrs, consequently, there would be no Foxe's Book of Martyrs. There would be no red backed hymnals. No songs of Zion! My bookshelves would be empty.

If Christ had not come there would be no Bethlehem. There would have been no virgin birth. There would have been no stable. There would have been no manger. There would have been no wise men with gifts. There would have been no shepherds. There would have been no star of Bethlehem. There would have been no Silent Night, Holy Night! If Christ had not come there would be no Christmas! No Away in the Manger! No holiday cheer.

Look around readers. Think about it! If Christ had not come what would your life be like? There would be no church. There would be no preaching. There would be no altar. There would be no saints. No need to pray. No need for a pastor. No need for Sunday School.

You would still be sitting on a bar stool. Some would be dead and in hell right now! Oh, I thank God that Jesus come. I thank God that Jesus lived. I thank God they crucified Him. Yes, I thank God they put Him on the cross and lifted Him up. Because He said, “If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me.”

Understand, everything the church is Christ created it. The church is nothing without it’s head! It is righteous; but it with his righteousness! It is holy, but it is with his holiness.

The world has a sick, perverted view of Christ. A tolerant, blind, ignorant, sensual, long haired, effeminate sissy. He is none of these things! He was the most powerful man that ever lived.

The Revelator said his eyes were as a flame of fire, His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and His voice as the sound of many waters, seven stars in His right hand, a sharp two-edged sword went out of His mouth, His countenance was as the sun shining in it’s strength. John said, “When I saw Him, I fell at His feet as a dead man.” Does that sound effeminate to you?

We are sometimes good and often bad, but He is always good. He is the Crystal Christ; the Bright and Morning Star. He has all the virtues of the best of men without any of their vices. We are forced to say with Pilate, “I find in him no fault at all.” For 2000 years men have been trying to destroy His character, yet they are gone and He stands like the Rock of Gilbralter in His character. Voltaire said, “In 100 years the name of Christ will be forever forgotten.” But Christ lives on and Voltaire’s name is known by few. The very house in which he spoke those words is now a Bible warehouse.

Jesus came! He lived! He died! He rose again! He is now sitting at the right hand of the Father! Because He lives I can face tomorrow! Listen to what He said in St. John 10:10:

Joh 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I AM COME that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

Jesus has come and He has come that we may have abundant life, overflowing. Because He lives we can be so full of God, when the world squeezes us, nothing but God comes out.

David Lamb