Monday, February 19, 2018


As I read through several news outlets this morning two things are very clear--this country is going to hell fast and American's are going insane!
Next, as I made my very short stroll down my FB timeline (Twitter and Instagram too), I was reminded that America's churchians don't even care that our country is going to hell. It appears their answer to our community's southward trajectory is to pretend it doesn't affect them.

I hurt for pastors and leaders who are trying to build the kingdom of God with folk who care more about their work, making money, and buying more junk than they do ministry. They toss and turn at night, trying to figure out how to work with nearly nothing while the "church folk" drown in senseless, never ending drama, wasting nearly every dime on the temporal (but can't afford to tithe).

I hurt for real Christians who have a desire to make a difference, but have leaders that care about nothing more than numbers, money, titles, Mercedes Benzes, and popularity.

God, if you don't intervene ...

Church, if you don't wake up ...

And to those that are spiritually alive ... Keep on keeping on! You're our only hope!

A troubled Pastor,
David Lamb

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