years ago, I turned down a particular road, drove about three miles,
only to discover that the road was impassable due to a bridge being
washed out. I whipped my car around, making a sarcastic remark about how
"it would've been nice if these morons would've put up a 'BRIDGE OUT'
sign so folks don't waste their time driving down this road.
Furthermore, someone could get killed!" As I was making my way back, I
happened to notice in my rear view mirror a 'BRIDGE OUT' sign. And then
another. And then another. In fact, there was a 'BRIDGE OUT' sign about
every thousand foot, all the way to the entrance of that road. They had
warned me, but I wasn't paying attention. I felt stupid. I was the only
moron out there that day.
Now, let me ask you this...
your child was traveling down that road and I had intentionally removed
every 'BRIDGE OUT' sign and they plummeted over the edge into a river,
drowning, would you blame me? Would you think I at least bore SOME
responsibility for their death?
know you answered "yes", and rightly so, but this is happening every
day in the spiritual realm, yet very few feel they are responsible.
has basically called us to do two things: 1) Tell the world they are
driving on a road toward an abyss called "Hell"; and 2) Tell them about
the ONLY altnernative path-Jesus Christ. (Mt 28:19, Mk 6:7-12, Acts
4:12, Acts 1:8, Luke 24:46-49, Isa 61:1-3)
are God's warning signs, but many of us have removed ourselves from the
pathway that sinners walk. When they fall into the horrid depths of
hell we feel no pain, we take no responsibility. After all, they're the
ones that chose that path; they're the ones that didn't pay attention to
the danger ahead. Right? WRONG!
they are free willed moral agents who choose their own path, but we are
called to warn them of the dangers that path harbors! We are to offer
them an escape route! So, yes ... we are also to blame!
know you're too busy or perhaps too afraid to evangelize, but it won't
matter what excuse you offer, there will be a responsibility to bear at
the judgment of God.
So you still aren't convinced? Here's this:
33:8 When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die;
if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man
shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.
You're still not convinced because, after all, you're not a "watchman"? I understand. Honestly, I do.
reminds me of the woman who was brutally raped in the parking lot of a
huge apartment complex. It was later discovered that hundreds of people
watched it happen, yet no one tried to stop it or even called the
police. He raped her, stood up, and just walked away, leaving her
destroyed, lying in a bloody heap on the concrete.
journalist went door to door asking each resident the same two
questions: 1) Did you see it happen?; and 2) Why didn't you call the
Every single person that witnessed the rape had the same answer: "I thought someone else was going to call."
They should've all been convicted of complicity!
our system of government isn't always just, God's is. He doesn't
overlook or forget anything! He WILL convict the professing church world
of being complicit. The hoards of the "so-called" redeemed stand idly
by, watching Satan's mass rape and mutilation of humanity. They do
nothing about it because they either don't care or expect someone else
to do it. And they CAN DO NOTHING about it because they're prayerless,
powerless, worldly, and self-centered. Far too many are more dedicated
to their employer and kid's professional
t-ball-while-synchronized-swimming coach than they are God and the
Jesus, the Son of the living God ... Pray for us sinners!
I fear that many of the professing Christians I know are going to be shocked when they discover God was serious when He said:
"So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16
night, a preacher and his very young son were coming home from church.
They came upon an overpass where there was a great number of ambulances,
firetrucks, and police cars lined up as far as they could see. There
had been a terrible wreck.
man got his son out of the vehicle and walked up the embankment to see
if there was anything he could do to help. When he came to the top of
the embankment, he beheld, to his shock and unbelief, the mangled,
lifeless corpse of an individual who had been thrown from a vehicle
during the wreck. He covered the eyes of his son, picked him up, and
carried him back down the hill as fast as he could. He tried to explain
to his son what they had just witnessed in an attempt to comfort his
little heart. Once they got home, the father prayed for him, hugged and
kissed him, and then sent him to bed.
about 2 o'clock in the morning, the dad got up. He noticed that his
son's bedroom light was still on. He opened the door and reached for the
light switch, but noticed that his son was still dressed in his suit
coat and tie, sitting on the side of the bed, quietly weeping. He asked
him why he wasn't asleep. The son replied with these heart crushing
"Dad, how can we sleep when people are dying?"
That's my question,too.
How can we sleep while people die and go to hell?
is going to ask us why we have removed ourselves (His warning signs)
from the highways and hedges. He's going to show us the faces of every
man, woman, boy, and girl that went to hell, partially because we didn't
do what He had called us to do.
That, my friend, should make you tremble in fear no matter how busy or tired you are.
repent of your backslidden condition. Remove every idol from your life.
Go to work for God. Souls are counting on it. God is commanding it!
Peace. Love. Hope.
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