you ever had someone try to pull you into a debate using a fallacious
presupposition that created a false dilemma? I have and I'm sure you
have too (whether you realize it or not).
me give you an example. If someone asked me, "What's the best tasting
pie in the world: Cherry or Apple?" ... I'd say, "Neither. I like
question creates a false dilemma, presupposing there are only two types
of pie in the world (strawberry and apple) when in reality there are
These type of false dilemmas are presented daily in the church world.
it's trendy to no longer be "religious", but "relational". Trust me, I
understand the dangers of man made doctrines and the
deification of church traditions and personal preferences. I do agree
that a great deal of church going people have nothing more than an
outward standard, a religious check-list, and almost no relationship
with Jesus. Millions of people are slaves to a cold system of beliefs as
opposed to being alive in Christ. It's true, if you don't
have an intimate relationship with Jesus you have nothing more than
A couple of years ago I watched a Youtube video a man named Jefferson
Bethke uploaded. It was titled "Why I Hate Religion, but Love Jesus".
It is essentially a poem about why religion is bad and a relationship
with Jesus is good. Jefferson makes some very candid and relevant points
about the church world that I wholeheartedly agree with and preach
about often. The official video has been viewed nearly 33 million times.
Jefferson has told tens of millions of people that Religion and
Relationship are contrary to one another and all the people said,
wasn't a new idea (religion vs relationship), but his video seemed to
solidify it in the minds of a lot of people, particularly Millennials.
It seems that Jefferson has made it trendy for some people to attack
that demon called Religion!
Jefferson's poem is creative and well written; and although he spits
some powerful truths, there are a few major problems with Jefferson's
(The inspiration for this blog post wasn't Jefferson Bethke's video, I'm just using it as an illustration.)
it creates a false narrative. He proposes that all religion is bad when
in fact the Bible clearly states that is not the case. Look at what
James wrote:
1:26 If any man among you seem to be religious, and bridleth not his
tongue, but deceiveth his own heart, this man's RELIGION is vain.
Pure RELIGION and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit
the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself
unspotted from the world.
to the Bible there is a pure and undefiled religion that is useful and
valuable to us. Jefferson's video doesn't distinguish between true and
false religion. He doesn't distinguish between pure and corrupt
religion. He simply tells the world religion is bad. In doing so, he has
set himself in opposition to the Word of God. By not specifying a
relationship with Jesus is better than a false, corrupted religion, he
has attacked James 1:26-27. Though it is true, you can't have pure and undefiled religion without a relationship with Christ, according to Jesus, a relationship with Him will lead you into it. (Mt 25:41-46)
You cannot separate Jesus and pure religion.
time I hear someone say they don't want, need, or have religion--they
have a relationship--I nearly throw up. All they have to do is look the
definition of the word up to see that's a shallow statement. Since you
may not feel like looking the definition of "religion" up, I did it for
1) the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power,
especially a personal God or gods; 2) a particular system of faith and
when someone says they don't have religion they are saying they don't
believe in or worship God, nor do they have a specific system of faith.
Now, I know, practically speaking, most of the people that say they
don't have religion actually do. They believe in God and have some
system of faith. The reason this is confusing is they are trying to change
the meaning of the word religion. But do not fear! No matter how grand their attempt the meaning of the word doesn't change.
It's like the old man of God said, "Words mean something, dummy!"
religion is an intellectual system of belief. To have religion simply
means you believe something. You could even be an atheist and tell me
you don't believe in anything, but not believing in anything is actually
a doctrine, therefore a religion.
you believe in the virgin birth? Do you believe that Jesus became a man
and walked among men? Do you believe He died on the cross? Do you
believe He was buried? Do you believe He was resurrected? In the
Theological world those are subjects covered in the doctrine of Christ's
Incarnation. The Incarnation is part of the systematic study of
Christology which would be under the umbrella of Theology-all parts of a
system of faith, aka ... religion.
you believe, through faith in Jesus (His death, burial, and
resurrection), we can saved? That's the doctrine of Soteriology which is a part of a system of faith, aka ... religion.
When someone says they are Christians, they're saying their religion is Christianity
because that's what Christianity is ... a religion. It just happens
that true Christianity is true religion because Christ is at the center
of it.
NOTE: If you're one of those people that say you don't have "doctrine",
everything I'm saying applies to you, too. You have doctrine whether
you admit it or not. In fact, saying you don't have doctrine is actually
part of your doctrine. SMH
2Ti 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
fault is it that the Catholic church killed 50 million people during
the inquisition? Whose fault is it that people are ostracized and
destroyed every day by church going people? Whose fault is it when a
priest or pastor abuses a parishioner? Whose fault is it when church
leaders fall to immorality?
it the Bible's fault? Is it Jesus' fault? Bible readers know that Jesus
promoted holiness of life. He promoted kindness and love toward our
enemies. No. It isn't the Bible or Jesus' fault.
it religion's fault? That's an interesting question. I suppose we could
blame religion, but remember, religion is a system of doctrines. Where
did we get that system of doctrine? Religion isn't some invisible,
abstract force that creates itself. No. Doctrine has a source ... men.
the true Christian, the answer to that question is ... God. God spoke
to men and men wrote down what He said. Other men gathered those
manuscripts and compiled them into what we know as the "Bible". True
Christians, being led by the Spirit of God, motivated by the love of
Jesus, will have pure doctrine. PURE DOCTRINE PRODUCES PURE AND
UNDEFILED RELIGION. Contrarily, when men lead themselves, motivated by
self-love, they will produce corrupt religion.
of attacking "religion", attack false, self-centered religion. You
should strive to have pure, undefiled, Christ-centered religion, and
speak positively about it.
are religious and have religion whether you admit it or not. Saying you
don't have religion is actually part of your religion (your systematic
approach to faith).
How about we stop allowing Christian fads and trends affect our beliefs and conversations and just rely on the Scripture.
There is no battle between RELIGION AND RELATIONSHIP. There is only a war between FALSE RELIGION AND TRUE RELIGION.
and undefiled religion requires us to have an intimate relationship
with Christ. An intimate relationship with Christ will create a pure and
undefiled religion.
Peace. Love. Hope.
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